Division 1 Title Playoff
The title deciding playoff match for League Division One will be held, in agreement with both Team Captains, at the Station Bar. Thanks to Paul Cook to agreeing and allowing us to host the match there.
The match will be played this coming Tuesday, 24th May, and will commence at 8pm.
Spectators are welcome, but please be reminded the best of order is requested and the area immediately around the pool table will not be available, to allow the players the space required to play their frames.
Good luck to both Cliffburn 1 and Shotz.
After an enthralling night of pool, the title for Division 1 remains unclaimed! What we do know is it's still a two horse race!
A playoff will be held next Tuesday evening, starting at 8pm, between Cliffburn and Shotz - the venue will be confirmed in due course.
All that remains, is good luck to both teams when the match commences!